How I made the most of my 3rd year of travel blogging

From travel blogger to legit travel writer…

129 blog posts. 1,30,000 words. 1000 days of blogging. Whoosh! I must have blinked. Pinch me…has it been three years already since a nervous newbie first bared her soul online in the coveted cosmos of travel ‘influencers’? It’s been a joyride, this 3rd year of my third career, riding on wings of un-jaded exuberance and unscathed passion. Would it be too presumptuous to pat my own back just yet? Considering that one of my several vices happens to be an irreversible and intense intolerance for routine.

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100cobbledroads wins Sunshine Blogger Award!

Pass on the encouragement baton…

Another peer recognition award for 100cobbledroads! Jessica Palmer of TravelwithJess has nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. This award is given to bloggers who are spreading cheer through their inspiring, positive and creative. So thank you, Jessica, for this mid-year, feel-good factor. Your blog on family travel is a great example for all those parents who hesitate to venture beyond tried-and-tested waters.

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4 big reasons why I won’t like to travel full-time?

And still be a full-time travel writer…

Blog after blog celebrates the bravado of smashing the shackles of the safety net to ‘live the dream’. Admire it or envy it…most people just keep wondering what it’s like to travel full-time. Calls for more than just an adrenaline-junkie spirit go all the way, few can actually take the leap of faith. 

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